Meet our Team


Branch Manager

Yovita is originally from Palembang and has worked at KPN since 2022. Her hobbies are baking, cooking, and eating. Her favorite food is bakso. Yovita enjoys working at KPN because it gives her the opportunity to face and overcome new challenges.


Native English Speaker

Jeremy is from the USA and has lived in Indonesia since 2021. He is married and is the father of one baby boy who both live with him in Palembang. His interests include reading comic books, drinking coffee, and watching movies with friends and family. Jeremy loves teaching because of the joy he gets when a student “gets it” and begins to grow in their self-confidence.


Native English Speaker

Clint is from the United States of America (USA) and has lived in Indonesia since 2018. He is married and has two children who also live in Palembang. Before moving to Indonesia, Clint taught English as a Second Language (ESL). His hobbies are playing sports, drinking coffee, and exploring Indonesia with his family. Clint enjoys teaching English because it is a practical way that he can help Palembang people achieve their ambitions.


Native English Speaker

Emma is from the United States of America (USA) and moved to Indonesia in 2024. Her hobbies are cooking, baking, watching movies, playing sports, and meeting new people. Her favorite food is soto ayam. In the USA, Emma worked as a barista and substitute teacher prior to moving to Indonesia. Emma loves teaching because she enjoys helping students become more confident in speaking English for their future goals.


Native English Speaker


Local Teacher


Local Teacher

Rika is originally from Palembang and she has worked at KPN since 2024. She has taught English since 2018. She has many experiences in teaching English, ranging from children to adults. She was also the best graduate from Tridinanti University in English Training and Education Faculty (2022). Her hobbies are reading, cooking and learning something new. Her favorite foods are satay Madura and Siomay. Rika enjoys teaching English because she is happy when students grasp what they are taught. She also wants to help students understand English in a simple way.

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