English Courses

We offer courses for all ages, from SD to working professionals.

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Register and take an English Assessment Test
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Our Curriculum

Beginner (SD)

For beginners (usually SD), we use “Super Kids” by Pearson. There are 6 levels:

  • Super Kids 1
  • Super Kids 2
  • Super Kids 3
  • Super Kids 4
  • Super Kids 5
  • Super Kids 6

Intermediate (SMP) & Advanced (SMA)

For Intermediate and advanced students (SMP+), we use “Solutions” by Oxford. There are 5 levels:

  • Solutions Elementary
  • Solutions Pre-Intermediate
  • Solutions Intermediate
  • Solutions Upper-Intermediate
  • Solutions Advanced

General English / Conversation

For General English (usually adults), we use “Let’s Talk” by Cambridge. There are 3 levels:

  • Let’s Talk 1
  • Let’s Talk 2
  • Let’s Talk 3

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